Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech University Massacre clips

Good song, i think its time bush should change


Anonymous said...

I appreciate this blog post.

I am a university instructor from California and I'm also a singer/songwriter.

This new tribute song is going out to friends, family, faculty and others directly impacted by the terrible massacre at Virginia Tech.

Virginia's Tears
words and music by Dr Bruce L. Thiessen, aka Dr. BLT (c)2007

Your profound loss weighs heavy on my heart and mind, and on the hearts and minds of my students.


Wild Phil said...

Talk of "honoring" cowardly Virginia Tech killer's life?!?

Compassion: Students Forgive Virginia Tech Killer. huh?????
Students Say He's A Human First, A Murderer Second This is part of our problem in today's society........ Yea no kidding.
(CBS) NEW YORK While it seems most people are resigned to express hatred toward Cho Seung-Hui, the Virginia Tech gunman who shot and killed 32 people before taking his own life, there are some who aren't thinking twice about forgiving the 23-year-old student for his heinous crimes.

The popular college Web site Facebook.com has become a haven for student groups to form, a place where thousands flock to express their feelings about the tragic incident that occurred on Monday morning. In doing a search of Cho's name on the Web site, results offer numerous groups -- most of which include either expletives in combination with his name as the name of the group, or others which wish harm upon him in the afterlife.

Still, somewhere in between all the anger, there are the occasional students who are willing to forgive, and offer their prayers to honor the killer's life.entire story
"honor the killer's life"? What kind of message does this send to other potential killers out there craving for attention? These kind of statements only will serve to let more potential killers know that if I do this and die I will not die with a stigma.

Unfortunately this kind of attitude is prevalent in today's society. Remember back in Columbine the crosses put up for those two cowardly bastards............

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.